
There were 2 reasons why I choose Daniel to shoot my headshots with. One is I was searching for a photographer who is as dam good as Peter Hurley is and Daniel Sommer is. I know it's a huge statement but its true. The other reason is, when I found Daniel Sommer on Instagram there was an image of a girl, a musician that has totally blown my mind. I have checked the work of all relevant

headshot photographer

s in Sydney and for me no doubt it is Daniel that knows what a


is about. He is the man to go to in Sydney. My acting agent told me the images are absolutely amazing. The images he took of me are bringing me work above expectations. The pictures he took of me combine his technical knowledge with amazing direction, and bringing the right emotions out of you and capturing them, his timing of all these things his confidence and his trust in you that you can do it, is just like a director on a film set. He connected to me easily and he took the most wonderful images of me. Thanks again Daniel I'd love to share this experience with the world.

- Reka Gavaldi

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